What Color Should I Paint My Bedroom?

Your bedroom is a place to relax and recharge your battery for the next day. The average person spends about a third of their life in their bedroom so it should be a comfortable place that is conducive to a good night’s rest. A clean, organized, cool room are important features for a bedroom but so are the colors used to paint the walls and decor. Colors have been proven to affect a person’s mood so choosing the right paint color for your bedroom can be crucial. Let’s discuss how color impacts your mood and what moods are best for your bedroom.

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Image of a bedroom with dark and neutral colors

What Mood Do You Want To Create?

The mood you want to create in your bedroom is an individual opinion and is based on your lifestyle. Ask yourself what you want to get out of your bedroom’s environment. Are you looking for a quiet place? Someplace that feels sterile, refreshing, calming, exciting, dark? A person that works in a loud hectic workplace might want soft colors and dim lighting. A person that works in a brightly lit environment might want a bedroom with dark colors and accent lighting. Someone else might feel like a dark bedroom is too smothering and imposing. What a person finds to be calming and relaxing can be very different from what someone else finds calming. You know yourself better than anyone else so choose a paint color that suits your needs and not necessarily what’s trending at the moment.

Image of a bedroom painted with a cool color and decor.

Cool Colors

Cool colors lie within green, blue, and purple tones. Cool paint colors are considered to be calming and soothing which is exactly what you need when you’re trying to go to sleep. It’s recommended to keep your bedroom at a cooler temperature to ease your body into sleep so it goes without saying that cool paint colors can visually and mentally cool you down as well. Blues are lulling like the waves of an ocean or a bright blue sky.

Image of a bedroom interior with a green wall colorGreens are related to nature like a forest or a park and create a sense of being emotionally grounded. Natural cool colors can evoke memories of peace and solitude in nature that will lead to you relaxing and slipping off into sleep. Use shades of lighter blues and greens because anything too vibrant can actually excite you instead of relax you.


Image of a bedroom with a purple painted interiorPurple is a cool color but it is also used to stimulate creativity. Lighter purples like lilac or lavender would be better suited for a bedroom and bright purple is great for studios, or offices.

Image of a bedroom painted red

Warm Colors

Red, orange, and yellow are warm colors. They’re energetic and bright which is great for high activity rooms like kitchens, and living rooms but not so great for bedrooms. Warm colors are visually associated with hot objects like the sun, fire, and embers. You may not be conscious of it but warm colors can actually make you feel warmer which can raise your pulse rate and blood pressure. This increased physical activity will hinder your ability to fall asleep easily.

Image of a bedroom painted with a warm yellow colorBright warm colors tones also affect your emotions, making some people feel angry, fearful, excited, passionate, happy, or strong. There’s nothing wrong evoking those emotions but they’re too strong for the bedroom to be painted in these tones.

Neutral Colors

Image of a bedroom painted a neutral color


Image of a bedroom painted a brown earth tone

Neutral colors are in the white, gray, brown, and black tones. These colors help relax you and don’t bring out any strong emotions. It’s almost like being in limbo. Hospitals, spas, classrooms, libraries and hotel rooms are usually painted in neutral earth tones. These are places where you either want to be calm or focused.


Can you imagine how anxious you’d feel if your hospital room was bright red? Or if you’re trying to meditate in an electric blue room? Neutral earth tones may seem drab but it allows you to add decor in accent colors throughout the room and change them out whenever you’d like without worrying about clashing.

Image of a neutral bedroom with an accent wall painted red

Accent Wall

You may find yourself falling in love with a bright warm color but you don’t want the entire room painted in it; that’s what accent walls are for. An accent wall is a wall that has a different color, texture, or pattern than the rest of the walls in the room.

Bedroom with a pink accent wallYou could paint the wall behind your bed a bright red or a vibrant orange and the rest of the walls a neutral color. The bright color won’t affect you as you go to bed because it’s behind you and in the morning it’s an energetic splash of color to get you going and ready for the day.

Alamo City Handymen are professional interior and exterior house painters. Call us or visit our website to schedule an appointment with our painters. We will give you a consultation and quote after a walkthrough of your house. We also repair and replace damaged drywall if need be before painting begins. We are a locally owned and operated business servicing San Antonio and the surrounding areas for over 15 years. Call us today!